Well folks...I know I've been promising this post for a while now (and most of you know very little about Dallin, and our story)...and I figured today would be fitting to right it, seeing as we've been engaged for exactly one month today!! Time really has flown...wow.
I don't know where to start...I really could go on and on for hours about Dallin, how I feel about him, and how incredible our "love story" has been so far. Let me try to briefly tell our story...
Dallin has always wanted to come to Jerusalem. It's been his dream for a long time, it was just a matter of timing as far as when he was actually able to come. Things worked out for him to come this semester, and he really felt like there was a reason it was at THIS time. He had other opportunities come up, but he decided to stay with his decision, and I'm SO glad he did. I had a similar experience. I have wanted to come to Jerusalem for the past couple of years, but was never really serious about it until about a year ago. I applied though, and was really hoping to get in. As the date to find out if I was accepted approached, I started having second thoughts. It would be a lot of money, it would set my graduation date back, etc. The "logical" side of my brain started winning the battle, and I pretty much decided that even if I was accepted, I wouldn't come after all. But then the acceptance letter came and I realized there was no way I could turn down this opportunity. To create lifelong friendships, to develop a closer relationship with my Savior, to learn more about the scriptures and the life of Christ, to immerse myself in another culture, etc. So I decided once and for all to come, and never looked back again.
Fast forward a few months to August 28th. All 82 of us students had to be at the airport super early to meet for our first flight to JFK, where we had a layover before our second flight, into Tel Aviv. I was trying to be social and meet everyone, but I was kinda shy. After a few hours of hanging out in the terminal, we stood up to get in line to board the plane. It was then that I first saw Dallin. I remember realizing that I hadn't noticed or seen him until that point (which was strange cuz I had been sitting there for a couple of hours) so I went over and introduced myself to him. We went over the basics ("What's your name?", "Where are you from?", etc.) I do remember thinking he seemed really nice and really cute, but that was about it. Sorry guys, it wasn't completely love at first sight (at least not for me...you'll have to ask him for his side of the story!) Dallin then asked me where my seat on the plane was, and we realized we were a seat apart (a sweet girl named Alyssa was seated between us). The three of us had fun talking and getting to know each other. The more I found out about Dallin, the more I realized how much we had in common (for example: we both did EFY this past summer).
In the JFK airport, Dallin and I hung out and got lunch together, played card games with some other people in our group, etc. Then we had the same seats assigned to us for our second flight. We talked some more on this flight, but again...no fireworks. I definitely wasn't looking for a relationship coming into Jerusalem, I was just excited to make friends with everyone and have a neat experience. So I wasn't necessarily "interested" in Dallin - but I was really grateful to have found someone from day 1 that I was comfortable with already and could see myself being good friends with.
When we arrived in Jerusalem, Dallin and I sat by each other at the Orientation Meeting, and hung out with each other for the first day or so, kinda by default just because we didn't know anyone else very well yet. The more I got to know him, the more I liked him, but I still wasn't looking for a relationship. I really didn't want to start liking someone RIGHT away, because I was looking forward to having a four month break from relationships to figure out what I wanted, who I was, and to focus on developing friendships with everyone, rather than exclusively dating someone.
Yet the more time Dallin and I spent together those first few days, the faster I began to realize that I was starting to fall for him, fast. We had so much in common, he always made me smile, and we just seemed to click so well. But I kept pushing the thought from my mind because it was SO soon and it was completely opposite of what my plans were. I could tell he was feeling the same way though, because every time we would talk (or even both be in the same room) we would catch ourselves staring at each other. It's hard to explain but it's like we can't seem to break eye contact (which is weird for me, because usually I can't look into someones eyes for more than a few seconds without looking away). It's kinda ridiculous but yes...we still do it, even now. Probably because he has the most beautiful eyes in the world...but I digress. :)
The 2nd or 3rd day we were here, we told each other about our past relationships. We found out that we were in very similar situations. We both had someone back home that we had pretty much cut ties with, but that was still hoping for things to work out with us. We both came to Jerusalem hoping to get some clarity about whether or not we should be with them, because neither of us had felt "right" about being with them, even though they were wonderful people and we cared deeply about them. I loved how open we could be about everything (ex's, family, fears, goals, etc) from the very first day. I became close friends with several people here pretty quickly, but with Dallin, I felt like we had been friends for years. But we never talked about our growing feelings for each other, even though it was assumed on both sides I think.
Then...we played Sardines one night (probably the 4th or 5th night here?) and that's where it all began. :) We went around the center together, trying to find the hiding spot. We ended up finding it, and climbing up in this storage closet with the others. It was practically pitch dark and we were all squished together. During this game, in that closet, somehow Dallin and I ended up holding hands behind someone's back. I'm not sure who initiated it, but I remember getting really excited about it. Yet at the same time, logical Kassie was immediately thinking "Oh no...we can't do this. I don't want to date anyone here! It's only the first week Kassie!" So naturally, I told him we should talk about what had happened. The next day, we had our first "DTR" (Define the Relationship). We told each other that yes, we were interested in each other, and felt something special for the other, but it just wasn't good timing and it wasn't in our plans. We kinda left it saying "Let's stay good friends while we're here, and if we still want to try dating when we get back to Provo, we'll give it a shot." We even decided that in the meantime, it'd be funny because people would "think" we liked each other (cuz we were always together) but we would both know we were only friends. (ha!!!) Well, we thought we had it taken care of but then...just a few hours later....
We were sitting on our couch (see previous post), talking...and doing the staring thing...and "apparently" I kept looking at his mouth, so he made some smart remark about how girls only look at a guys mouth if they want to kiss them, and I gave him a hard time about it, and completely denied it. But turned bright red, cuz there was SOME truth in it. Okay, maybe a lot. Anyways, it was at that point (and the more we would look at each other, and be able to see how the other was feeling) that we realized it was hopeless - there was no way we could "just be friends". All of this is kinda a blur because it happened so fast (yet it was gradual...if that makes any sense...so I guess it was gradual quickly? haha) but I think it was that same day that I asked him "On a scale of 1-10, 1 being "you're an alright friend" and 10 is "take me to the temple (marry me!)" where would I be on that scale?" We kinda told each other we were around a 4 on that scale. From that point on...every time Dallin did something I found extremely attractive or impressive, I'd tell him "Uh oh...4.3." or something along those lines. He did the same, and we slowly started climbing each other's scales. (Side note: We have continued climbing those scales...the last rating I gave him was 100.99 I believe....)
Honestly this next part gets pretty fuzzy to me. I don't remember how it all happened, but I do know that the more time we spent together (pretty much 24/7 except for sleeping) and the more we talked, the more I realized he was everything I had ever wanted and hoped for, and I realized how perfect we were for each other. Little things kept happening (to us individually, and to us together) that proved to us that this was completely meant to be. Even though it was CRAZY and so fast, Heavenly Father had definitely set us up, and He knew what He was doing. We couldn't deny the connection we had, or how we were being led together. It was the most unreal feeling I'd ever had (it still is!) but I KNEW I was supposed to be with Dallin, and I was so happy and at peace. I didn't doubt it, or fight it, which is really strange for me (usually I over-think relationships and worry and wonder). Anyways, at some point, I wrote on Dallin's hand with a pen, gave him a rating (it was 7.0 I think?) and wrote "I love you...crazy, right?" (He took a picture...I'll have to get it from him and add it to the blog :)...) I think that's the first time we said the "L" word. The neat thing is that it was before our first kiss (which was soon thereafter). The neat thing about our first kiss is that it felt so natural. I was excited and twitterpated..but I wasn't nervous (well...besides being paranoid because there are people and security cameras EVERYWHERE here at the center...haha). It felt completely normal and right to kiss him, it wasn't a big deal. It didn't feel like a "first kiss".
There are SO many little things that happened during those first couple of weeks that were tender mercies and miracles, confirming the fact that us being together was perfect and right, but one that really sticks out in my mind was my first night in "my spot" (I wrote about this spot in a previous post). Dallin and I went outside at sunset and just talked about personal, serious things (dreams, goals, our testimonies of the gospel, etc). It was a really incredible conversation and meant so much to me, because I realized (even more so) what an amazing person he was, and how he was everything I'd ever wanted. He left to go inside to eat, and I sat looking out over the city, watching the sunset, writing in my journal, reading the scriptures, praying, etc. I got an incredible feeling of peace and just felt that I was where I needed to be, in the situation I needed to be, and that Dallin was a part of that. Then Dallin came back out and as I saw him and continued to talk to him, I couldn't stop smiling because I just KNEW. (People always say "When it's right...you'll know", but because of so many past relationships that never had that feeling, and going through so much confusion and frustration, I was starting to wonder if that statement was really true. I'm here to witness that it is. If it's right...it's right, and you'll know it!!)
I don't remember the exact day that we decided we were for sure going to get married, but it was pretty quick (maybe a week and a half after we had been here in Jerusalem). Crazy, right? The craziest part was that it felt so right and we had so much peace about it, even though we knew logically it was insane. (The best part is that I've still never ONCE doubted it, and the peace has never left...it's only deepened!) Another miracle was that our families didn't send us to an insane asylum either...they have been supportive and excited for us all along, which has meant the world to us. They can tell how happy we are, and how perfect we are for each other, and they can't deny that it's "meant to be" either. :) It's absolutely incredible how everything has worked out for us. Heavenly Father definitely set us up, and He's definitely been blessing us during this entire process!
Ahh...there's SO many things I want to write about, but there's just not time. I'll try to keep this brief. :/
Anyways...three weeks into our semester here in Jerusalem, we all went to Turkey for a week (again, see previous post!) It was sooo much fun! As I mentioned in my Turkey post, Dallin officially proposed that week, on the shore of the Aegean Sea, under the stars (one month ago today!) I knew it was coming, and we already had the date and the temple and everything planned (and he used a temporary ring) but even with all of that - it was perfect. I was so happy to say yes, and it was such a relief to finally have it "official"! It was also really fun the next day to announce it on the bus to everyone (some people knew it was coming, others were completely shocked). Everyone here has been so supportive and excited for us all along though. Again, we are SO blessed for the support system we have (both here and back at home).
This past month has been INSANELY busy. So much school work, fun field trips, activities here in the center, time with friends, trying to plan our wedding from a country away (again, another shout out to our amazing families for all the work they are putting in for us!! We love you!), etc. The amazing thing is that even though it's so fast, we literally spend an average of 15-18 hours together every single day, seven days a week, and have for the past 7 weeks. When you think about how many months it would take to accumulate that much time with someone in a normal environment, it's like we've been together for months! (maybe even over a year). Plus we've been to three countries together, had incredible spiritual experiences together, and learned and grown so much together. Some people worry that because of this unique setting, we are just having so much fun that we are infatuated but are going to struggle when we hit "real life". But in reality, even though its been fun, 90 percent of what we do together here is study. We eat meals together, we do homework together, etc. It really is the monotonous, every day things that we do together. We have never even been on a real date together! We can't go anywhere alone (we always have to be in groups of three). So we are SO excited for when we'll be back in Provo together and can actually go on dates, and watch movies, and hold hands in public, and do all of those things together. Being here together is wonderful, and I wouldn't trade it for the world, but it's not as glamorous as it may seem, at least not all the time! Just clarifying that for everyone. :)
If you want to know more about Dallin, here are a few basics. :) He is the middle of 5 kids, is from West Valley Utah, and will be turning 24 in a couple of months. He's studying Ancient Near Eastern Studies at BYU and wants to be a seminary teacher (which I find extremely attractive. I LOVE his love of the gospel, and how passionate he is about teaching it). He is good at everything...no exaggeration. From sports to singing to dancing to playing chess to cooking...the list goes on and on. Most recently he did cheer at BYU so you might have seen him at some of the BYU games! He did EFY the last two summers, so we share that love of EFY. He also served a two year mission for our church in Tokyo Japan. Any other questions, either ask me or facebook stalk him :)
Now to describe Dallin: He's perfect. :) Really though, I'm continuously blown away by how incredible he is and how he makes me feel. I've never been more in awe of someone, or felt so adored by someone. I honestly feel like I was never my complete self until he was in my life...it's the most incredible feeling, and I can't get enough of it. And it just keeps getting better and better. We make each other SO happy, and we have so much fun together. Yet we also just love talking, and we have the same goals, perspectives and desires. I can't wait to marry him and to raise children with him and to continue living the gospel with him. He is so kind, so selfless, so intelligent, so fun, so attractive...I couldn't have dreamed up anyone better than him. He honestly exceeds every expectation I ever had. I am sooo incredibly blessed, and can't imagine anything being any more perfect than it is right now.

Like I said, I could go on and on...but I really need to do my homework, so I'm going to wrap this up. I have LOTS of pictures of us, but several have been posted in previous posts. These two are from tonight -we ended up matching again today (I promise we never plan it) so we had to take some pictures. The gorgeous sunset behind us was hard to pass up. :) I am sooo in love with this boy!